Monday, September 30, 2013

Workout Plan 9/30 - 10/6

I have a tendency to make workout schedules for the week and not follow through. I can make any excuse and sell it to anyone who asks. For the most part I think I fail at it because I try to do too much at once.

I have my regular routine that I try to stick to, which involves a 1.37 mile walk and a 2.1 mile walk at work on my break and on my lunch. I try to do this Monday through Friday with my best friend and coworker. We do our best to go on both walks every day and it helps to have that accountability. 

On top of these walks I also try to run 2-3 days, including my long distance training run. 

Unfortunately I am not losing much weight with this alone. And I am also paying for a gym membership monthly that I'm not going to. Thankfully it's not breaking the bank, but it's something I shouldn't be paying for if I'm not using it.

Now that I am well into half marathon / marathon training it's time to get back into the gym for cross training and dust off the workout DVDs and weights for strength training.

The important thing for me to remember is that going to the gym does not necessarily mean an hour. I can go for a half hour before work a couple days a week and can do 30 Day Shred for a couple days a week instead of all seven. It's all doing something that is taking steps in the right direction.

The other part of this puzzle is, of course, what happens in the kitchen. Unfortunately my self control isn't what I would like, but I know that running will be easier to do and easier on my body when I get down to a healthy weight.

I also need to remember that I can't expect to see results right away. Just because I don't see the changes overnight does not mean they are not happening. It's going to take a while to notice the changes that my body is making and it's going to take a while for this to become a habit. I just need to continue to work at it and do my best every single day.  

The following is my planned workout. I have full intentions to do every scheduled workout, however I am well aware that life happens and plans change.

Monday: 30-45 minutes gym- bike, 30 Day Shred level 1
Tuesday: 30-45 minute interval run- hill training
Wednesday: 30-45 minutes gym- elliptical 30 Day Shred level 1
Thursday: 30-45 minute interval run- speed training 
Friday: rest
Saturday: long distance training run (3 miles)
Sunday: rest

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