Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Getting Back Into Training Mode

Dopey is almost exactly 7 months away and it is time to get my body and mind back into training mode. I haven't been there in that proper mind/body space for probably the whole month of May, getting just over 90 miles for the month, not quite where I wanted to be.

Yes, my mind has been on other things and things have been pretty hectic here, but I can't let that be an excuse. I am still able to get out there and run and it helps with the stress, so there's always that. To be completely honest, I'm surprised I got in as many miles as I did this past month.

But here we are in June and although it's a very exciting time, buying a house has proven to be a very stressful experience. Between the financial side and the packing of everything (and wondering how we accumulated so much stuff in such a small space), both Patrick and I are on edge. The next two weeks are going to be a mixture of excitement, fun and exhaustion. We have a tight schedule to stick to in regards to painting and it is going to be a difficult few weeks owning our house but not actually living there for 10 days.

It will all be worth it though.

Last month I allowed myself to do the bare minimum and although it was nice to not have to stress about the miles, I know that there was a difference in my mood and my body. I just feel better when I am able to get in a good run.

I have decided to loosely follow the Jeff Galloway training plan for the Dopey Challenge and will be starting on July 1st. Until then I'm going to give it my all for June to build up those miles and to enjoy the Mammoth half marathon. Communication is going to be key over the next 6+ months with training taking over a large part of my life. A lot of miles will be happening and I know from experience that without communication it's not going to be a good experience.

Unfortunately with all of the running goals I am currently working towards (running 1250 total miles for the year, completing 14 half marathons in 2014, running 500 days in a row, and completing the "Dopey Challenge") I have a tough decision to make regarding the pain I am feeling in my hip. It's been getting worse and I am feeling it on a daily basis. It's usually fine until I sit for a long period of time (for example, at work) and try to stand up, but once I get started it feels fine.

I have to stop being stubborn and just make an appointment with a doctor. I need to stop thinking the worst and not allow the fear of being told to stop running keep me from making sure I'm healthy. That needs to take priority over running...

In regards to training- schedule to come soon. I'm still going to move forward with my plans until I am able to see a doctor.

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