Thursday, May 8, 2014

What I've Been Up To & Weigh In #2

So, I restarted my weight loss journey last week and here we are and nothing has changed.

I gave into temptation. I lost motivation. I stopped caring.

I am in a one track mind frame and although my head and my heart both want to lose weight, get in shape and be all around a healthier person, my head and my heart are both also focused on something much more exciting.

We are buying a house!!!

It's happening very fast and it's all a little stressful, but so rewarding and I absolutely cannot wait until escrow closes on June 2nd. I have been waiting until certain things happened before posting pictures of the house or really allowing myself to get too excited just in case, but after a good inspection and being approved I am happy to present what will soon be our home...

At this point in the journey we are doing a lot of this:

I have also been doing some shopping for some furniture we are going to need as well as some decorating items we may not need but will look nice. I know that it is all going to come together perfectly. I cannot wait to post before/after pictures and to make it ours.

I've also been doing some crafting in order to make it more "us". I made the following today: 

And I've been thinking of doing this for awhile, but finally got around to starting the process. It's not complete yet, but Patrick will be finishing it up before we move so that it can go up in our room. I took the window that we used as our seating chart at our wedding, enlarged to poster size our favorite picture from our wedding and put the two together:


Well, that's what's going on in my personal life. As for weight loss...

Starting weight: 183.2
Current weight: 182

Height: 5'9"
Healthy weight range: 125.3-169.3
Goal weight: 160
Healthy BMI range: 18.5-25
Starting BMI: 27.8
Current BMI: 26.9
Starting body fat %: 29.4%
Current body fat%: 27.8%

I'm happy with the loss the week, however it definitely does not reflect my eating or exercise. I'm not sure that I earned the 1.2 pound loss and I do not intend to make what happened this past week the norm for me. I now eventually it will catch up..

I'm not going to pretend to make excuses for what happened this week. I had no self control at all and I'm actually pretty embarrassed by it. But that's the beauty of weigh in day. I'm cleaning the slate and looking at this week as a week to improve myself instead of worry about what happened last week.

It's going to be a good week too. A lot going on.

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