Saturday, December 28, 2013

Weigh In #3

Starting Weight: 189.2
Last Weeks Weight: 185.2
This Weeks Weight: 183.4

+/-: -1.8
Total +/-: -5.8
Last week's goals: 
1. Track. Track. Track.
I stuck with my plan for the holidays and I think it really worked. I didn't feel stressed or anxious about what to eat because I allowed myself to take what I wanted and listened to my body for when to stop. I was able to indulge without going overboard. Eating big meals three days in a row is not ideal when you are trying to be healthy and lose weight, however it can be done! 

I saw this quote today and I really felt like this is how I approached the holidays this year: 

2. Drink water.
Done! This one is getting easier to do. Although I am back to drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, I am also drinking more water throughout the day because I am making the conscious effort to get up and refill my cup. That's where I get lazy. I sometimes get so involved with work that I don't get up to do anything, continuously telling myself that I will after one more account.

3. Workout 4 days a week.
I'm sure nobody is too surprised that this didn't happen this week. I know I'm not. Although I allowed myself to use excuses (such as "I'm tired" or "I'm busy" among the list of top reasons) I am not going to sit here and mentally beat myself up about it. Bottom line- I chose to not do any strength or cross training. I decided that I could manage this week better without an additional task and that running alone would be fine.

I know that strength training will help time my body, and I intend to start a workout routine, however our busiest quarter at work is just coming to an end in the next week or so and I am physically and mentally exhausted from working 10+ hour days and most weekends over the past 3 months. Sometimes things have to be put on hold in order to accomplish something else and this time of year work trumps exercise. Thankfully my health is still a top priority. Eating well and running is enough.. For now.

This weeks goals:
1. Track. Track. Track.
Why change something that is working? Sticking with the basics always seems to work.

2. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water.
Again, basic and effective. 

3. Eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies every day. 
I do pretty well getting my fruit in, however I need to improve on the vegetables. My goal is 3 servings of fruit and two of veggies for now.

4. Workout 3 days this week.
Clearly I am setting my sights too high with trying to work out four days a week, so my goal will be three. I was very lucky this year for Christmas. Patrick got me Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones and my parents got me Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. I really want to attempt the Body Revolution for the full 90 days, however I do not have the time to commit to that yet. Instead, I plan on doing it a few days a week or incorporating it in with some of her other DVDs because it's beneficial that way as well. For now there is no schedule.

I also took measurements this week since it has been two weeks since I last did it. I also need to take progress pictures because it's been a month since I last did those.

Original measurements taken October 15th:
Chest: 41
Waist: 37.5
Hips: 45.5
L thigh: 26.5
L arm: 13
L calf: 14.5

Last weeks measurements taken December 14th:
Chest: 39.5 (-1.5)
Waist: 35.5 (-2)
Hips: 44 (-1.5)
L thigh: 25.5 (-1)
L arm: 12.75 (-.25)
L calf: 15.5 (+1)

Current measurements taken December 28th:
Chest: 39 (-2)
Waist: 35 (-2.5)
Hips: 44 (-1.5)
L thigh: 25 (-1.5)
L arm: 12.75 (-.25)
L calf: 15.5 (+1)

Still making progress and continuing to head in the right direction. I know that I need to continue doing what I'm doing. Normally I fall off the weight loss wagon at the second week, however I made it through this week and stayed strong around a lot of temptation. 

Maybe I don't give myself enough credit. Maybe I'm stronger than I think. Maybe if you work the program the program will work for you and you can actually see results. 

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