Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April Goals- Update

I seriously cannot believe that April is already halfway over. It seriously amazes me how fast time goes by…
Here’s where I am at with my goals so far for this month:
1.       Write in a journal every day: It amazes me how easy it has become to skip a day and have to start over. I am attempting this again with a start date of April 13th, however this time I am doing what I have been wanting to do but never got around to doing for the past 6 years… I am writing in a journal to Isabel.
2.       Take at least one picture a day: This month seems to be the month of photos by iPhone only. It’s actually been a lot easier to stop focusing on what the picture is taken with and to just take it. I’m really getting excited to see all 365 pictures once I’m all finished.
3.       Run and/or walk 105 miles: I am just slightly ahead of schedule and if everything goes as planned I can see myself ending the month with over 110 miles, but that may be generous.
4.       Run at least one mile every day to continue running streak: Today will mark day 177 once I get my run in. It’s amazing what doing something every day can do for you. I remember being so excited when I got to day 50 and now here I am almost to day 200. It’s actually pretty exciting for me to prove to myself that I can stick with something for this long and still want to continue to do it.
5.       Track on MFP: Today is day 26 of tracking. And I’m actually tracking this time. I had one day this past weekend that I really did not want to track, but I went in that night and finished tracking and it wasn’t even as bad as I thought it was going to be. I do need to get back to eating below or at my calories for the day, but for now I’m really excited to be in the habit of logging on every day and tracking. It is such an important tool and so helpful to me to see success.
6.       Read two books: I don’t know why this happens every single book I pick up but it takes forever for me to get into it or I start working on other goals and don’t have time/energy to read during the day or at night. I am definitely behind with this book, but from what I’ve read it’s a pretty quick read so I just need to set some time to finish it so that I have enough time to finish the next one for the month.
1.       Have at least one child free date night with Patrick: This has not happened yet, and I guess I will be counting our outing Thursday morning as our date. Patrick and I have found that we really enjoy watching The Price is Right together at night so we record the show in the morning and watch it together either at night or on the weekends. For my birthday he decided to make it a date for us to go watch the show being taped. It’s a first come first serve basis, so hopefully we’ll get there early enough to get to see the show being taped. I’m really excited to go!
2.       Work on blanket: I haven’t really been working much on the blanket, but I have finished one color and am working on another. Some days I just don’t care to crochet and other days it’s all I want to do. I go through phases with crafting and it may take me awhile to actually finish this thing, but once I do I’m sure it’s going to look pretty cool. To me anyway..
3.       Work on cross stitch: I am so excited about this one… My parents bought me a cross stitch program for Christmas one year which converts photos to cross stitch patterns. I am working on one now from our wedding and I’m hoping that it turns out well because if it does I plan on doing a lot of personalized gifts for Christmas.
4.       Work on coloring book: I’ve done very little in the coloring book, but I have one and that’s a good start.
5.       Look into cake decorating classes: I very briefly looked into this at the very beginning of the month but the class was already started. What I did find was that the classes through the local craft store is very affordable and is a 4 week class. I really like that idea because it spreads the information out over time and I think that will help me to retain the information provided as well as to see progress over the entire program. It’s a two part class, the first four weeks being the basics of decorating a cake (frosting, etc) and the second four week class is decorating the cake using fondant and icing shaped as flowers, etc.  I am a very VERY beginner baker, so this would be beyond exciting to extend my knowledge.
6.       Stick to workouts as much as possible: I’m working on it and I think now that I’m starting a new DVD program I will find it easier to stick to what I have planned. Basically, I’m doing the DVD for strength and running. If I get to the two walks I do at work, great. If I am able to make it to the gym, great. If not it’s fine too because they are not mandatory on the schedule.

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