Monday, April 21, 2014


Or lack thereof...

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I tend to feel this way when I take a day "off" from tracking. I also tend to feel this way when I stop blogging. I sometimes get these feelings that what I write about is not meaningful so there's really no point in typing it all out because more likely than not other people have already realized the same things. Sometimes I just don't know what to write about, other days I feel as though I sound like a broken record. Sometimes I have nothing exciting going on, other days I do but can't write about it, most of the time what's exciting to me is usually not to others.

Then I start thinking about it. I mean, really thinking about it. What I realize is that this blog is for me and if what it takes to keep my motivation is to brag about it then that's what I'm going to do. If I need to post about each run, workout, meal, or whatever it is that is going on then I'm going to in order to keep myself going. I figure that I'm not forcing anyone to read along and find that when I do write about it, no matter how short or long, no matter how meaningful/full of knowledge or how insignificant/full of rambling thoughts it may be, if I find it helpful then I'm going to do it.

So I left off with my last post on Friday with a loss on the scale. A small loss, but a loss none the less and at this point I'm going to take whatever I can get.

It probably comes as no surprise that I have fallen off the wagon. Hard.

I had this great idea for Easter. I was going to do exactly what I did for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was going to track my meal as an even 1000 calories, pick and choose the foods that I really wanted to eat, take a portion of those items and enjoy myself.

It's pretty obvious that that didn't happen. Multiple trips for appetizers, an unbelievable amount of candy and then dinner and dessert (including an amazing "heaven in a dish") I left my parents house with a stomach ache and a disappointment in my head and my heart. The scale and my stomach are feeling it today as well with a 6 pound gain overnight (most likely a lot of that is false.. hopefully) and with the way my stomach looks I'm surprised no one has asked me when I'm due (I'm not, just in case you were wondering).

So, I had choices today.

Track or not track?
Workout or take another rest day?
Dwell or move on?

I chose to start the day tracking but then stopped at lunch time when we went out for a coworkers birthday. It was not a good enough excuse to quit, but it is what it is and tomorrow is another day to try again.

I will admit that I was extremely tempted to take another rest day from strength training. This is why I need a training plan that has me doing something every single day. It's just how I work. If I take a rest day then I'm going to want to keep resting and it takes a long time to get back into it. I woke up around 4:20 this morning with my alarm with enough energy to get up and go do my workout, but I also had enough desire to go back to sleep. Then I thought I would just do the workout on my lunch, forgetting in my sleepy haze that I had lunch plans. It took a bit of coercing to get myself into my workout clothes when I got home when the couch looked so comfy, but I did the workout and am so glad that I did. And then I went for a quick 1.21 mile interval run when Patrick got home from work.

I am moving on. There is no point in thinking about what I could have done yesterday. I can't go back and change it. I can change what happens for the rest of tonight and for tomorrow, maybe even for the rest of the week. Beyond that, who knows what's going to happen.

So here is what I did last week workout wise and what I plan to do for this week:

Sunday 4/13: cross training/gym- stationary bike 30-45 minutes completed, minimum 1 mile interval run completed

Monday 4/14: strength training/DVD- Body Revolution workout 1 completed, minimum 1 mile interval run completed

Tuesday 4/15: strength training/DVD- Body Revolution workout 2 completed, minimum 1 mile interval run completed

Wednesday 4/16: strength training/DVD- Body Revolution cardio 1 completed, 2-3 mile interval run completed

Thursday 4/17: strength training/DVD- Body Revolution workout 1 completed, minimum 1 mile interval run completed

Friday 4/18: strength training/DVD- Body Revolution workout 2 completed, minimum 1 mile interval run completed

Saturday 4/19: strength training/DVD- Body Revolution cardio 1 completed, 8 mile interval run did not complete

The only workout that I planned on that I didn't complete was the 8 mile run on Sunday. I realized pretty early on in the week that I didn't give myself enough rest time before my half marathon next weekend. I decided that I would rather split the mileage between Saturday and Sunday then to do it all on one day. So that's what I did.. To be honest, I'm thrilled with how this week went and would call it a major success. I can't remember the last time I completed so many scheduled workouts..

Sunday 4/20: 4 mile interval run

Monday 4/21: Body Revolution Workout 1, minimum 1 mile interval run

Tuesday 4/22: Body Revolution Workout 2, 2-3 mile interval run

Wednesday 4/23: Body Revolution Cardio 1, minimum 1 mile interval run

Thursday 4/24: Body Revolution Workout 1, 2-3 mile interval run

Friday 4/25: Body Revolution Workout 2, minimum 1 mile interval run

Saturday 4/26: Body Revolution Cardio 1, minimum 1 mile interval run

I have really been enjoying the Body Revolution workout so far. Granted the first two weeks are the same workouts and are the easiest of the challenge. They're considered to be easier in order to build your foundation, strength and balance. It's still Jillian, so it is by no means easy, but I really like the system so far and I am really looking forward to continuing and completing the full 90 days. I even talked Patrick into joining me one day last week. He may even join me again this week.

I don't feel too sore either, which is great because I was concerned it would affect my running, but in reality I have been finding that I already feel my legs are stronger and running has been a little bit easier. Hoping that the results are as awesome as they've been on other Jillian programs.

Here's to more writing and a better tomorrow!

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