Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thankful Thursday #5

1. I am thankful for new running shoes. After having some major issues while training for the LA Marathon last year I decided it was pretty stupid of me to be so stubborn. I took my sisters advice and went to a running store to be professionally fitted. Prior to this I was wearing shoes from department stores and went by how they felt. That worked well until if didn't and that last pair of running shoes was almost my last. My generous parents bought me my first pair and I have refused to try anything since. Thankfully Amazon recently had an amazing sale and I stocked up on a few pairs to last me awhile. And, right after the race on Saturday I knew it was time for a shiny new pair to be broken in. My feet feel fantastic and it's like running on clouds.

2. I am thankful for detailed and color coordinated chore charts. And of course for a husband who is patient and understanding when it comes to my OCD. The apartment has stayed clean and on day two of our calendar I had to ask what I am supposed to do during the 20 minute pickup if I only have 5 minutes worth of stuff to do.. I can see this working for us!

3. I am grateful to my best friend for being willing to jump back into a workout routine to help hold me accountable. I know that it is so much easier for me to stay accountable when I have someone doing it with me. We've seen success together a few times before, I know that if we stick with it this time we will see success again.

4. I am thankful for my parents, who let me run after work. It is easier for me to run immediately after work because it doesn't give me the opportunity to sit down. Knowing myself I know that I won't get back up, so going for a 1-3 mile run around their neighborhood is so incredibly helpful, especially since I can keep going if the run feels good or stop if I'm just having a bad run day.

5. I am thankful for tomorrow. Both the fact that it's Friday and because it's weigh in. I'm excited to have a fresh week. I didn't do bad this week food-wise but could have done better fitness-wise. I have yet to take my progress picture for the month for fear of seeing the changes, but will be taking them tonight to post tomorrow. I've been peaking at the scale all week and today was my highest day and I'm still less than last week, so here's hoping there's a loss tomorrow!

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