Friday, April 11, 2014

Weigh In #18

Starting Weight: 189.2
Last Weeks Weight: 182.4
This Weeks Weight: 181.2

+/-: -1.2
Total +/-: -8
I am having a difficult time finding a balance between eating well and working out. I enjoy working out more and feel like I see more results to my body when I am strength training and I absolutely love to run, but I find that most of the time I waste the progress I've made through exercise by eating unhealthy foods.
I find that when I am tracking, eating healthy and staying within my calories then I am usually not putting in my all with working out. And the same can be said for when I am in full workout/training mode. I'm more focused on the workouts than I am the food.
It's a very delicate balance that I am trying to find for myself. I know it will help when I get out of the mind set that I need to do this all or nothing. I can workout 3 days a week and see progress. It does not need to be an extreme every time. Of course as I type that I am also considering starting the Jillian Michael's Body Revolution 90 day program...
I know for me that I need to set goals. Like tracking every day for a year or doing a workout routine that lasts 3 months. It helps me to stay focused, to feel determined and to accomplish something. If I take a rest day, as silly as it may sound, I fall completely off the wagon. Even if that rest day is planned.
I'm hoping that I can get on the same page about both so that everything will fall into place. 

Last weeks goals:
1. Track. Stay in the black more than half the week. I only went into the red one day and even then I stayed under 2,000 total calories. It felt great to see those positive numbers all week.
2. Water. This is the first week in a long time that I drank at least 6 glasses of water every day. I think this challenge at work is definitely helping!
3. Clean out closet and dresser. I finished cleaning out my closet, now onto the dresser.
4. Stick to workout schedule. Not so much, but I have been enjoying my running workouts, so half of my scheduled workout was done.

Workout schedule:
April 4th - April 10th
Friday April 4th: arm workout did not complete, minimum 1 mile interval run completed
Saturday April 5th: Hollywood Half Marathon completed
Sunday April 6th: gym did not complete, minimum 1 mile interval run completed
Monday April 7th: arm workout did not complete, 2-3 mile interval run completed
Tuesday April 8th: strength DVD did not complete, minimum 1 mile interval run completed
Wednesday April 9th: arm workout did not complete, 2-3 mile interval run completed
Thursday April 10th: strength DVD did not complete, minimum 1 mile interval run completed

This weeks goals:
1. Track. Stay in the black more than half the week.
2. Water.
3. Cut down on sweets.
4. No fast food.
5. Make workout schedule.
Workout schedule:
April 11th - April 17th
TBD. I am going to decide today if I'm going to commit to doing the 90 day program and will post a workout schedule this weekend.
Progress Pictures: January-April

Okay, so I'm late in posting my progress photo this month. I'm not sure why I decided to not take the photo for so long, other than being forgetful or not having someone to take my picture in the morning (my ideal time to do this sort of thing). In all honesty, I'm not that disappointed with the progress, or lack there of. I know that in order to see progress then I actually have to be doing something productive to change what I don't like and I really have not been doing that. So, I'm using this as motivation to make that commitment to do something about the things that I don't like.

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