Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Bug!

This past year has flown by and it amazes me how each year seems to go by faster and faster. It's exciting and frustrating all at the same time because in what feels like a blink of an eye you go from this:

To this: 

So much has happened in the past six years that it's a little difficult to put into words what we're already been able to accomplish together. And yet we still have so much that I want us to do together.

It's amazing that, with time, most of the details of the day you were born have faded and are being replaced with new memories. There are some memories though that will never go away though...

I went into the hospital to be induced at 7am. Sometime before 4pm the doctor came in and told me that I had made no progress and that you would be coming into the world by c-section. I had never really had a birth plan other than for you to be healthy so I simply asked if that was the only way. He said yes and before I knew it I was on the operating table. I went 9 hours with no epidural (a bet I had made that I could do this as natural as possible, minus the pitocin).

It didn't take long for you to come out screaming so hard that you stopped breathing. There are few things I remember as clearly as the following from that day:

The doctor saying "Time of birth, 16:01."

My mom saying "She has hair!"

The nurse assuring me that you were alright. Your cries were so intense that they needed to put the oxygen mask on you. I somehow knew that you were fine though. It's difficult to explain but there was just a calm in me that knew everything was okay.

Holding you for the first time. You were placed on my chest so I could see you. I simply touched your nose and said "I know you.." I didn't get much time with you then because you needed to be taken to the nursery for everything the nurses needed to do and the doctor needed to finish taking care of me.

If there is anything I have learned since finding out that you were going to be a part of my life it is that it is very possible to love someone more and more each day. It is endless how much my love for you will grow and as I often tell you, I love you more than there are stars in the sky. And as you often tell me, you love me more than you love Frozen.

If that's not the highest compliment, I don't know what is..

Our relationship as mother and daughter is a good one. We've had our disagreements and you have definitely pushed my buttons on many occasions. But I think we are learning together what it means to have patience with one another and to grow together. It took me a while to realize that I don't have to be a super mom. I spent too much time caring about what it meant to be a good mom, a good wife, a good daughter, a good employee, a good everything and I missed what it meant to just be me.

I'm not perfect, but I am improving. I may yell or get upset or frustrated, but no matter what I am always going to love you. You have turned my world upside down and I could not be more grateful that you are here in my life. I'm looking forward to seeing what else we have left to discover together. To all of the adventures we have left to experience.

I love you, bug. To the moon and back because you are my sunshine.

First birthday:

 Age 5:

"I am so excited for tomorrow it's my birthday I'm six! (6)"

Age 6: (If the photos from this morning are a factor to what the coming year is going to be like.. It's gonna be a good year!) 

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