Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday #3

1. I am still thankful for all of the help I received for Isabel's birthday party last Saturday. It was above and beyond what I could have hoped for and I really think the whole day went perfectly.

2. I am thankful for budgeting and finding a system that works for us in order to view everything quickly and easily. It helps me to see the numbers and the progress we are making on our debts and on our savings for the future. I am awful at math, but I'm definitely a numbers girl.

3. I am thankful that my family is supportive of my decisions. Granted, the particular decision I'm talking about (which I will share with you all tomorrow) affects me more than anyone, but they are always willing to stand on my side no matter what I decide to do, and I am thankful for that.

4. Here's a vague one. I am thankful that there are certain opportunities to grow. I'm not sure what the outcome will be, but I'm ready to see what the future may hold. I am in a pretty good place mentally and I know that whatever is supposed to happen, will happen, but I'm leaning towards a certain ending to this chapter. We shall see!

5. I am thankful for therapy. And I'm definitely getting my money's worth this week!

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