Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weigh In #13

Starting Weight: 189.2
Last Weeks Weight: 180.6
This Weeks Weight: 181.4

+/-: +0.8
Total +/-: 

Last Weeks Goals:
1. Track. Everything. Everyday. (hey, it will happen one of these weeks): I did really well tracking most of this week. But I fell off the wagon a little in the middle of the week and didn't even try to get back on. I let myself have a free for all and now I feel horrible about it both physically and mentally. I'm frustrated with myself for reaching a milestone two weeks ago and then letting it slip away because I did not have enough self control to eat healthy and use portion control. I know I will get back there and I'm now done focusing on the could have, should have, would have. This is where I'm at now and it's up to me to find a way to get back to where I want to be.
2. Find a better way to track water. Start small, 6 glasses a day: I did well with tracking up until the same time that I stopped focusing on tracking food. I was getting at least 6 glasses of water a day with some days being closer to and/or over 10 glasses. I stopped tracking though, so I don't actually know if I made it the whole week. Does anyone have a system they use that works?
3. Stick to workout schedule: I didn't quit stick to the schedule and have already stopped the NMTZ Challenge. What is wrong with me??? It's like I set myself up for failure when all I want is success.. I didn't get in the full 5 miles this weekend in one day because I had too many excuses not to. But I did get 2.04 miles on Saturday and 3.51 miles on Sunday. That counts, right?
4. Be self confident and own it: I have seen a tremendous difference in my self-confidence since starting to lose weight this time around. I have been focusing so much more on how I am feeling and less on what I weigh. I am also focusing on measuring success in different ways and not just based on the number on the scale. I have read too many articles (and experienced myself) about the scale being a liar and not the best tool to measure success or even progress. There are so many factors that can affect the scale one way or the other, and although it is a tool and can be helpful to reach certain goals, it's not the only tool and it doesn't tell the whole story.

The last few times I tried to lose weight I became obsessed with the scale and with seeing that number go down. It affected me to the point of questioning my self worth based on what the scale said. If I lost then I was able to do a happy dance and my whole life was validated because I saw success. If I gained then I would look at myself in the mirror and question everything. I honestly don't believe I saw the real me in the mirror, but a version of myself that was unacceptable in every possible way.

I decided for a while to put the scale away. To not care what I weighed and instead focus on how I feel. If I was hungry, I ate. Simple as that. I listened to my body and stopped eating when I was satisfied. Not full, not stuffed, satisfied. Unfortunately, this brought on more weight and although I was feeling better about myself for the first month or so it was showing that I was gaining weight and by the second month I was becoming frustrated with myself. My clothes wouldn't fit and it was affecting my marriage.

I don't know what happened or why it happened when it did, but in the middle of December I decided that I wanted to start the habit of tracking, portion control and making healthy choices overall. I was already in the middle of my running streak and had the daily exercise taken care of. At that point I was mainly focused on the eating. I had gained a lot of weight when I was training for my first marathon and since I had huge goals for 2014 and 2015, I wanted to get down to a healthier weight to make it easier to achieve these goals. The holiday's seem like the worst time to start trying to lose weight, but I viewed it as a challenge and ended up losing close to 6 pounds before the new year. The losing streak continued for 5 weeks before I saw my first gain and the yo-yoing of my weight began again.

I may not be where I want to be weight-wise. I may not be where I want to be measurement-wise. But I'm making progress and I'm trying my best to focus on that instead of where I want to be. I need to stop looking at what I have left and look at what I've already done. I'm becoming a better version of myself and not because I weigh less or have smaller measurements but because I am seeing who I really am in the mirror and because I am holding my head up higher with each passing day. I am who I am, whether I weigh 181.4 or 160 (my current "goal weight") has no bearing on who I am as a person.

Workout Schedule:
March 2nd - March 8th
Sunday: long distance run- 5 miles did not complete (I did get in 3.5 miles though to make a total of 5.5 for the weekend), NMTZ challenge completed
Monday: streak completed, NMTZ challenge completed
Tuesday: streak completed
Wednesday: streak completed, NMTZ challenge completed
Thursday: streak completed, NMTZ challenge completed, gym completed
Friday: streak completed, NMTZ challenge did not complete
Saturday: streak completed

This weeks goals:
1. Track
2. Follow workout schedule
3. Do not go overboard at birthdays

Workout schedule:
March 9th - March 15th
Sunday: San Diego Half Marathon
Monday: streak
Tuesday: streak
Wednesday: streak
Thursday (Patrick's birthday): streak
Friday (Isabel's birthday): streak
Saturday (Isabel's birthday party): Hope4Kids 5K

Get in two strength training sessions (using any DVD I choose) and one cross training session at the gym of a minimum of 30 minutes.

Original measurements taken October 15th:
Chest: 41
Waist: 37.5
Hips: 45.5
L thigh: 26.5
L arm: 13
L calf: 14.5

Measurements taken February 22nd:
Chest: 39.25 (-1.75)
Waist: 33.25 (-4.25)
Hips: 43.25 (-2.25)
L thigh: 24 (-2.5)
L arm: 12.25 (-.75)

Current measurements taken March 8th:
Chest: 40 (-1)
Waist: 33 (-4.5)
Hips: 43.5 (-2)
L thigh: 24 (-2.5)
L arm: 12.25 (-.75)

My measurements are pretty close to the same with the exception of gaining in my chest (what the heck is that all about?!) and losing in my waist. I knew they were going to plateau at some point and this may be a good time to switch to taking measurements monthly along with my progress picture and body fat %. I will probably take them again in two weeks and then start taking them monthly starting April 1st.


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