Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday #1

1. I am thankful that I have a job. My review went really well yesterday and I am thankful that my hard work and dedication was acknowledged and appreciated. I have yet to receive a negative review at my current job and I'm glad that my work ethic was brought up. I take pride in what I do and I go into work and do my absolute best. I go above and beyond what is required of me. Although I go most of the year feeling invisible, it was nice to spend a half hour talking about what an asset to the team I am.

2. I am thankful that we have a roof over our heads. Although we are both antsy to get to the next step and start looking into buying a house, we know that we are doing the responsible thing in waiting. We are so close to paying off debt and we are building up our savings as well. We have goals in mind of when we would like to start looking, so working towards those goals and seeing the progress we are making is part of the process. I think when the time is right we will just know and then the entire process of buying a house will be more fun than stressful.

3. I am thankful that I have a beautiful daughter that reminds me to not take life too seriously. She was getting dressed for school this morning and came out in an outfit that was a complete mix match of patterns and colors. I asked her to change the dress to something else and she started crying. You see, minutes earlier she asked me if she looked pretty in that dress. I responded with "You look beautiful in anything." The combination of the shoes and jacket was what warranted to request for a different outfit. Normally I don't say anything. I let her express her creativity with orange flowered pants and a purple striped shirt. It's just clothing. So I have no idea what made me ask her to change this morning. She came up to me and said "You told me I look pretty in anything." Shame on me for caring what other people will think of her outfit choice. A reminder to take a step back and realize what is important in life.

4. I am thankful that I have today off of work. I have an appointment I'm about to leave for and then am planning on sitting at the DMV for the rest of the afternoon, hopefully getting done before Isabel gets out of school. I have to renew my drivers license and since I've mailed it in the last two times I am required to go in and do an eye test and thumb print. Good thing I have a good book that I am looking forward to making some progress on while I am there. I decided to get it done today instead of waiting for an afternoon appointment and going after work because it's important to be an adult and do errands instead of going shopping on your day off. So I'm thankful for that too.

5. I am thankful that tomorrow is payday. I have really been enjoying our budget and watching where our money is going, including the debts going down and all of our savings going up. It's never fun to watch the money go out when the bills need to be paid, but it's so nice to be in this frame of mind where it's not just money leaving your account but money being used to put a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and other things like electricity and gas. I used to resent paying bills and having minimal money in our account for things like shopping or going out to eat. Instead, my frame of mind has become much more positive and I look forward to getting the bills. Weird.

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