Friday, March 14, 2014

Thankful Thursday #2

A day late.. Whoops!

1. I am thankful for a wonderful, loving and understanding husband. His birthday was yesterday and his gift didn't quite make it in time. I'm hoping to receive it either today or tomorrow. Either way, it's late and he was very understanding and appreciative of what I got him. I love that about him and am thankful that he and I are both relatively easy going people.

2. I am thankful that my daughter tells me that she loves me more than Frozen. I mentioned this in her birthday post, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Even after last night when she had a mini meltdown at dinner and I had to take her outside to talk and she told me that she doesn't even want to be my daughter anymore. I felt like a real mom at that point, but even more so that I kept my calm, told her that it was okay to feel that upset and that I still love her. Then this morning I am told that I am loved more than Frozen. Parenthood, worth every single minute.

3. I am thankful for all the help I have been offered for Isabel's birthday party tomorrow. I know that not everyone is able to be there beforehand to help decorate, but they are helping in so many other ways. To my sister and her family- thank you for offering us to use your house for the party. It helps in so many ways and I am so grateful! To my parents- thank you for all of the items you are letting me use to help decorate the party. I would be lost (and broke) if you weren't willing to let me use your dishes and miscellaneous items. To my best friend- thank you for offering to come over early to help set up. I know that you know what I am thinking of in regards to the set up, so having you there is a huge relief. And to give up the afternoon of your own birthday means so much.. To Patrick- thank you for being the errand boy and picking up the balloons, pizza, ice, etc. It's beyond helpful! I know tomorrow is going to be absolutely wonderful. I'm hoping my anxiety stays low so that I can appreciate and enjoy the day and with everyone helping I know I can do that.

4. I am thankful that the planning for Isabel's birthday is done and all that's left to do are little odds and ends for tomorrow (cutting out the pictures of Olaf, folding the paper for the snowflake cutting, putting together the coloring books, etc...) I am so excited to see how everything comes together and need to remember that everything is going to work out the way that it is supposed to.

5. I am thankful for missing a day of tracking on MFP. I will go into more detail at tomorrow's weigh in, but basically I think it was exactly what I needed.

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