Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weigh In #12

Starting Weight: 189.2
Last Weeks Weight: 179.8
This Weeks Weight: 180.6

+/-: +0.8
Total +/-: 

Not as bad as I was expecting, yet not in the right direction. It's what happens when you get on track for the beginning of the week and fall off the wagon halfway through. 

I found some self confidence this week and rolled with it. It was an amazing feeling to walk around with my head held high and my mind focused on so many other things rather than my body and the areas that cause concern. I have spent so many years worried about the way my skin looks on my stomach and my thighs and stretch marks. A week off from that was much needed and pretty dang relieving.  

I just wish I had found a way to bottle that feeling up so that I could bring it out and use it in moments of weakness..

Hopefully those moments start to show up less often. It's a struggle sometimes and I wish I had that confidence, but until I do I'm going to continue to fake it until I make it!

Last Weeks Goals:
1. Track. Every. Single. Day. Fail. Did much better about tracking all day except for last night and Thursday night. Kind of fell off track and self sabotaged again for multiple reasons. Can't/won't get into it now but I need to get back to it. I just feel better when I do.
2. Drink 8 glasses of water. Every. Single. Day. Better, but not perfect.. Yet.
3. Attempt to PR at Seaside Half Marathon. Success!!! I still can't believe it. It was so exciting to cross that finish line knowing that I was able to accomplish something I set out to do. I don't run for speed. I run because I enjoy it and I have found that speed doesn't matter. I'm not going out to win these races, so why not enjoy it and appreciate the fact that I can do it. I spent a lot of time justifying myself being a "runner" because of my speed or my use of intervals. I'm done with that. I am a runner because I run.

Workout schedule:
February 23rd- March 1st
Sunday: Seaside Half Marathon completed
Monday: streak completed
Tuesday: streak completed
Wednesday: streak completed
Thursday: streak completed
Friday: streak completed
Saturday: long distance training run- 5 miles moved to Sunday, streak completed, NMTZ challenge completed

Measurements taken on December 28th: (first set of pictures)
Chest: 39
Waist: 35
Hips: 44
L thigh: 25
L arm: 12.75

Current measurements taken January 25th: (second set of pictures)

Chest: 39
Waist: 34
Hips: 43.5
L thigh: 24.25
L arm: 12.5

Current measurements taken February 22nd
Chest: 39.25
Waist: 33.25
Hips: 43.25
L thigh: 24
L arm: 12.25
Difference in 2 months:
Chest: +.25
Waist: -1.75
Hips: -.75
L thigh: -1
L arm: -.5

This weeks goals:
1. Track. Everything. Everyday. (hey, it will happen one of these weeks)
2. Find a better way to track water. Start small, 6 glasses a day.
3. Stick to workout schedule.
4. Be self confident and own it.

Workout Schedule:
March 2nd - March 8th
Sunday: long distance run- 5 miles, NMTZ challenge
Monday: streak, NMTZ challenge
Tuesday: streak
Wednesday: streak, NMTZ challenge
Thursday: streak, NMTZ challenge, gym
Friday: streak, NMTZ challenge
Saturday: streak

I am excited to start the NMTZ challenge again. I think this time around it is much more realistic compared to my last attempt. It will be nice to have "rest" days where I only run, and the shorter work out will be effective, yet I feel like it won't cause me to burn out quickly.

I'm thinking of getting Jillian Michael's new workout DVD which is called One Week Shred. It is a twice a day workout combination of strength for one workout and cardio for another. I think it's meant for doing right before a vacation or other big event. But, I like Jillian and her workouts are hardcore and her DVD's are reasonably priced, so I may buy it to incorporate into my workout routine.

I really want to find a good workout schedule that I can stick to long term that includes running, strength and cross training. I know it means that I should probably start working on getting up earlier for some morning cross training at the gym so that I am not cutting into my family time any more than I already am.

For March I am focusing on running and strength training with a minimum of one cross training at the gym a week. If I am able to do more (depending on Patrick's work schedule) then I will try to make it more often. Now that I know that I prefer the bike over the elliptical and have stopped forcing myself to do the elliptical when I really don't feel like it I tend to want to stay longer and get in a good workout instead of calling it short because I'm not enjoying it. I do like the elliptical, however scheduling a certain amount of time on it was not a good idea for me. I'm trying to be much more flexible in that sense.

And even though I am focusing on the NMTZ challenge I set for myself I am also going to be trying to run more. I have been running for my streak but have been relying on my walking miles and long distance training runs to get me to my mileage goal for the month. I would much rather run more during the week as well and am going to start trying to run two miles a day instead of the minimum of one. There will be days that I only do the short one mile, but I am going to make more of an effort to get out there and give it my all more often than doing the bare minimum.

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